
module Ir_bc

: sig

Branch-consistent stores: read-write store with support fork/merge operations.

module type STORE = sig
type tag
val of_tag : Ir_conf.t -> ('a -> Ir_task.t) -> tag -> ('a -> t) Lwt.t
val tag : t -> tag option
val tag_exn : t -> tag
val tags : t -> tag list Lwt.t
val rename_tag : t -> tag -> [
| `Ok
| `Duplicated_tag
] Lwt.t
val update_tag : t -> tag -> unit Lwt.t
val merge_tag : t -> tag -> unit Ir_merge.result Lwt.t
val merge_tag_exn : t -> tag -> unit Lwt.t
val switch : t -> tag -> unit Lwt.t
type head
val of_head : Ir_conf.t -> ('a -> Ir_task.t) -> head -> ('a -> t) Lwt.t
val head : t -> head option Lwt.t
val head_exn : t -> head Lwt.t
val branch : t -> [
| `Tag of tag
| `Head of head
val heads : t -> head list Lwt.t
val detach : t -> unit Lwt.t
val update_head : t -> head -> unit Lwt.t
val merge_head : t -> head -> unit Ir_merge.result Lwt.t
val merge_head_exn : t -> head -> unit Lwt.t
val watch_head : t -> key -> (key * head) Lwt_stream.t
val clone : ('a -> Ir_task.t) -> t -> tag -> [
| `Ok of 'a -> t
| `Duplicated_tag
] Lwt.t
val clone_force : ('a -> Ir_task.t) -> t -> tag -> ('a -> t) Lwt.t
val merge : 'a -> ('a -> t) -> into:('a -> t) -> unit Ir_merge.result Lwt.t
val merge_exn : 'a -> ('a -> t) -> into:('a -> t) -> unit Lwt.t
type slice
val export : ?full:bool -> ?depth:int -> ?min:head list -> ?max:head list -> t -> slice Lwt.t
val import : t -> slice -> unit Lwt.t
module type MAKER = functor (K : Ir_path.S) -> functor (C : Ir_contents.S) -> functor (T : Ir_tag.S) -> functor (H : Ir_hash.S) -> STORE with type step = K.step and type value = C.t and type head = H.t and type tag = T.t
module type PRIVATE = sig
module Contents : Ir_contents.STORE
module Node : Ir_node.STORE with type Val.contents = Contents.key
module Commit : Ir_commit.STORE with type Val.node = Node.key
module Tag : Ir_tag.STORE with type value = Commit.key
module Slice : Ir_slice.S with type contents = Contents.key * Contents.value and type node = Node.key * Node.value and type commit = Commit.key * Commit.value
module Sync : Ir_sync.S with type head = Commit.key and type tag = Tag.key
module Make : functor (X : Ir_ao.MAKER) -> functor (Y : Ir_rw.MAKER) -> MAKER

Extended API

module type STORE_EXT = sig

Same as S but also expose the store internals. Useful to build derived functionalities.

include STORE
module Key : Ir_path.S with type step = step

Base functions over keys.

module Val : Ir_contents.S with type t = value

Base functions over values.

module Private : PRIVATE with type Contents.value = value and type Node.Path.step = step and type Commit.key = head and type Tag.key = tag and type Slice.t = slice and module Node.Path = Key
val config : t -> Ir_conf.t
val contents_t : t -> Private.Contents.t
val node_t : t -> Private.Node.t
val commit_t : t -> Private.Commit.t
val tag_t : t -> Private.Tag.t


val read_node : t -> key -> Private.Node.key option Lwt.t

Read a node.

val mem_node : t -> key -> bool Lwt.t

Check whether a node exists.

val update_node : t -> key -> Private.Node.key -> unit Lwt.t

Update a node.

module Make_ext : functor (P : PRIVATE) -> STORE_EXT with type step = P.Node.Path.step and type value = P.Contents.value and type tag = P.Tag.key and type head = P.Commit.key and type slice = P.Slice.t and module Private.Contents = P.Contents and module Private.Node = P.Node and module Private.Commit = P.Commit and module Private.Tag = P.Tag and module Private.Slice = P.Slice