
module Ir_rw

: sig

Read-write stores.

module type STORE = sig
include Ir_ro.STORE
val iter : t -> (key -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t
val update : t -> key -> value -> unit Lwt.t
val remove : t -> key -> unit Lwt.t
val watch : t -> key -> value option Lwt_stream.t
module type HIERARCHICAL = sig
type step
include STORE with type key = step list
val list : t -> key -> key list Lwt.t
val remove_rec : t -> key -> unit Lwt.t
module type MAKER = functor (K : Ir_hum.S) -> functor (V : Ir_hash.S) -> STORE with type key = K.t and type value = V.t