
module Dom_svg

: sig

DOM SVG binding

This is a partial binding to the DOM SVG API.

val xmlns : Js.js_string Js.t


type error_code =
class type svg_error =
inherit Js.error
method code : error_code Js.t Js.readonly_prop
exception SVGError of svg_error
type lengthUnitType =
type angleUnitType =
type colorType =
type alignmentType =
type meetOrSliceType =
type transformType =
type zoomAndPanType =
type lengthAdjust =
type unitType =
type intentType =
type pathSegmentType =
type textPathMethodType =
type textPathSpacingType =
type spreadMethodType =
type suspendHandleID
class type ['a] animated =
method baseVal : 'a Js.prop
method animVal : 'a Js.prop
class type ['a] list =
method numberOfItems : int Js.readonly_prop
method clear : unit Js.meth
method initialize : 'a -> 'a Js.meth
method getItem : int -> 'a Js.meth
method insertItemBefore : 'a -> int -> 'a Js.meth
method replaceItem : 'a -> int -> 'a Js.meth
method removeItem : int -> 'a Js.meth
method appendItem : 'a -> 'a Js.meth


class type element =
inherit Dom.element
method id : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method xmlbase : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method ownerSVGElement : svgElement Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method viewportElement : element Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type animatedString = [Js.js_string Js.t] animated
class type animatedBoolean = [bool Js.t] animated
class type stringList = [Js.js_string Js.t] list
class type animatedEnumeration = [int] animated
class type animatedInteger = [int] animated
class type animatedNumber = [float] animated
class type numberList = [Js.number Js.t] list
class type animatedNumberList = [numberList Js.t] animated
class type length =
method unitType : lengthUnitType Js.readonly_prop
method value : float Js.prop
method valueInSpecifiedUnits : float Js.prop
method valueAsString : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method newValueSpecifiedUnits : lengthUnitType -> float -> unit Js.meth
method convertToSpecifiedUnits : lengthUnitType -> unit Js.meth
class type animatedLength = [length] animated
class type lengthList = [length Js.t] list
class type animatedLengthList = [lengthList Js.t] animated
class type angle =
method unitType : angleUnitType Js.readonly_prop
method value : float Js.prop
method valueInSpecifiedUnits : float Js.prop
method valueAsString : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method newValueSpecifiedUnits : angleUnitType -> float -> unit Js.meth
method convertToSpecifiedUnits : angleUnitType -> unit Js.meth
class type animatedAngle = [angle Js.t] animated
class type rgbColor =
class type color =
method colorType : colorType Js.readonly_prop
method rgbColor : rgbColor Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method iccColor : iccColor Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method setRGBColor : Js.js_string Js.t -> unit Js.meth
method setRGBColorICCColor : Js.js_string Js.t -> Js.js_string Js.t -> unit Js.meth
method setColor : colorType -> Js.js_string Js.t -> Js.js_string Js.t -> unit Js.meth
class type iccColor =
method colorProfile : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method colors : numberList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type rect =
method x : float Js.prop
method y : float Js.prop
method width : float Js.prop
method height : float Js.prop
class type animatedRect = [rect Js.t] animated
class type stylable =
method className : animatedString Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type locatable =
method nearestViewportElement : element Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method farthestViewportElement : element Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method getBBox : rect Js.t Js.meth
method getCTM : matrix Js.t Js.meth
method getScreenCTM : matrix Js.t Js.meth
method getTransformToElement : element Js.t -> matrix Js.t Js.meth
class type transformable =
inherit locatable
class type tests =
method requiredFeatures : stringList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method requiredExtensions : stringList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method systemLanguage : stringList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method hasExtension : Js.js_string Js.t -> bool Js.t Js.meth
class type langSpace =
method xmllang : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method xmlspace : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
class type externalResourcesRequired =
method externalResourcesRequired : animatedBoolean Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type fitToViewBox =
method viewBox : animatedRect Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method preserveAspectRatio : animatedPreserveAspectRatio Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type zoomAndPan =
method zoomAndPan : zoomAndPanType Js.prop
class type viewSpec =
inherit zoomAndPan
inherit fitToViewBox
method transform : transformList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method viewTarget : element Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method viewBoxString : Js.js_string Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method preserveAspectRatioString : Js.js_string Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method transformString : Js.js_string Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method viewTargetString : Js.js_string Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type uriReference =
class type document =
inherit [element] Dom.document
method title : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method referrer : Js.js_string Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method domain : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method _URL : Js.js_string Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method rootElement : svgElement Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type svgElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit locatable
inherit fitToViewBox
inherit zoomAndPan
method height : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method contentScriptType : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method contentStyleType : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method viewport : rect Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method pixelUnitToMillimeterX : float Js.readonly_prop
method pixelUnitToMillimeterY : float Js.readonly_prop
method screenPixelUnitToMillimeterX : float Js.readonly_prop
method screenPixelUnitToMillimeterY : float Js.readonly_prop
method useCurrentView : bool Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method currentView : viewSpec Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method currentScale : float Js.prop
method currentTranslate : point Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method suspendRedraw : int -> suspendHandleID Js.meth
method unsuspendRedraw : suspendHandleID -> unit Js.meth
method unsuspendRedrawAll : unit Js.meth
method forceRedraw : unit Js.meth
method pauseAnimations : unit Js.meth
method unpauseAnimations : unit Js.meth
method animationsPaused : bool Js.t Js.meth
method getCurrentTime : float Js.meth
method setCurrentTime : int -> unit Js.meth
method getIntersectionList : rect Js.t -> element Js.t -> element Js.t Dom.nodeList Js.t Js.meth
method getEnclosureList : rect Js.t -> element Js.t -> element Js.t Dom.nodeList Js.t Js.meth
method checkIntersection : element Js.t -> rect Js.t -> bool Js.t
method checkEnclosure : element Js.t -> rect Js.t -> bool Js.t
method deselectAll : unit Js.meth
method createSVGNumber : Js.number Js.t Js.meth
method createSVGLength : length Js.t Js.meth
method createSVGAngle : angle Js.t Js.meth
method createSVGPoint : point Js.t Js.meth
method createSVGMatrix : matrix Js.t Js.meth
method createSVGRect : rect Js.t Js.meth
method createSVGTransform : transform Js.t Js.meth
method createSVGTransformFromMatrix : matrix Js.t -> transform Js.t Js.meth
method getElementById : Js.js_string Js.t -> Dom.element Js.t Js.meth
class type gElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
class type defsElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
class type descElement =
inherit element
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
class type titleElement =
inherit element
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
class type symbolElement =
inherit element
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit fitToViewBox
class type useElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
method height : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method instanceRoot : elementInstance Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method animatedInstanceRoot : elementInstance Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type elementInstance =
method correspondingElement : element Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method correspondingUseElement : useElement Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method parentNode : elementInstance Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method childNodes : elementInstanceList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method firstChild : elementInstance Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method lastChild : elementInstance Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method previousSibling : elementInstance Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method nextSibling : elementInstance Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type elementInstanceList =
method length : int Js.readonly_prop
method item : int -> elementInstance Js.t
class type imageElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
method height : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type switchElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
class type styleElement =
inherit element
inherit langSpace
method type_ : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method media : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method title : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
class type point =
method x : float Js.readonly_prop
method y : float Js.readonly_prop
method matrixTransform : matrix Js.t -> point Js.t Js.meth
class type pointList = [point Js.t] list
class type matrix =
method a : float Js.readonly_prop
method b : float Js.readonly_prop
method c : float Js.readonly_prop
method d : float Js.readonly_prop
method e : float Js.readonly_prop
method f : float Js.readonly_prop
method multiply : matrix Js.t -> matrix Js.t Js.meth
method inverse : matrix Js.t Js.meth
method translate : float -> float -> matrix Js.t Js.meth
method scale : float -> matrix Js.t Js.meth
method scaleNonUniform : float -> float -> matrix Js.t Js.meth
method rotate : float -> matrix Js.t Js.meth
method rotateFromVector : float -> float -> matrix Js.t Js.meth
method flipX : matrix Js.t Js.meth
method flipY : matrix Js.t Js.meth
method skewX : float -> matrix Js.t Js.meth
method skewY : float -> matrix Js.t Js.meth
class type transform =
method _type : transformType Js.readonly_prop
method matrix : matrix Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method angle : float Js.readonly_prop
method setMatrix : matrix Js.t -> unit Js.meth
method setTranslate : float -> float -> unit Js.meth
method setScale : float -> float -> unit Js.meth
method setRotate : float -> float -> float -> unit Js.meth
method setSkewX : float -> unit Js.meth
method setSkewY : float -> unit Js.meth
class type transformList =
inherit [transform Js.t] list
method createSVGTransformFromMatrix : matrix -> transform Js.t Js.meth
method consolidate : transform Js.t Js.meth
class type animatedTransformList = [transformList Js.t] animated
class type preserveAspectRatio =
method align : alignmentType Js.readonly_prop
method meetOrSlice : meetOrSliceType Js.readonly_prop
class type animatedPreserveAspectRatio = [preserveAspectRatio Js.t] animated
class type pathSeg =
method pathSegType : pathSegmentType Js.readonly_prop
method pathSegTypeAsLetter : Js.js_string Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type pathSegClosePath = pathSeg
class type pathSegMoveto =
inherit pathSeg
method x : float Js.prop
method y : float Js.prop
class type pathSegLineto =
inherit pathSeg
method x : float Js.prop
method y : float Js.prop
class type pathSegCurvetoCubic =
inherit pathSeg
method x : float Js.prop
method y : float Js.prop
method x1 : float Js.prop
method y1 : float Js.prop
method x2 : float Js.prop
method y2 : float Js.prop
class type pathSegCurvetoQuadratic =
inherit pathSeg
method x : float Js.prop
method y : float Js.prop
method x1 : float Js.prop
method y1 : float Js.prop
class type pathSegArc =
inherit pathSeg
method y : float Js.prop
method r1 : float Js.prop
method r2 : float Js.prop
method angle : float Js.prop
method largeArcFlag : bool Js.t Js.prop
method sweepFlag : bool Js.t Js.prop
class type pathSegLinetoHorizontal =
inherit pathSeg
method x : float
class type pathSegLinetoVertical =
inherit pathSeg
method y : float
class type pathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth =
inherit pathSeg
method x : float
method y : float
method x2 : float
method y2 : float
class type pathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth =
inherit pathSeg
method x : float
method y : float
class type pathSegList = [pathSeg Js.t] list
class type animatedPathData =
method pathSegList : pathSegList Js.t Js.prop
method normalizedPathSegList : pathSegList Js.t Js.prop
method animatedPathSegList : pathSegList Js.t Js.prop
method animatedNormalizedPathSegList : pathSegList Js.t Js.prop
class type pathElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
method pathLength : animatedNumber Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method getTotalLength : float Js.meth
method getPointAtLength : float -> point Js.t Js.meth
method getPathSegAtLength : float -> int
method createSVGPathSegClosePath : pathSegClosePath Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs : float -> float -> pathSegMoveto Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegMovetoRel : float -> float -> pathSegMoveto Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs : float -> float -> pathSegLineto Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegLinetoRel : float -> float -> pathSegLineto Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs : float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> pathSegCurvetoCubic Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel : float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> pathSegCurvetoCubic Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs : float -> float -> float -> float -> pathSegCurvetoQuadratic Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel : float -> float -> float -> float -> pathSegCurvetoQuadratic Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegArcAbs : float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> bool Js.t -> bool Js.t -> pathSegArc Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegArcRel : float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> bool Js.t -> bool Js.t -> pathSegArc Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs : float -> pathSegLinetoHorizontal Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel : float -> pathSegLinetoHorizontal Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs : float -> pathSegLinetoVertical Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel : float -> pathSegLinetoVertical Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs : float -> float -> float -> float -> pathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel : float -> float -> float -> float -> pathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs : float -> float -> pathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth Js.meth
method createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel : float -> float -> pathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth Js.meth
class type rectElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
method height : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type circleElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
class type ellipseElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
class type lineElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
class type animatedPoints =
method points : pointList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method animatedpoints : pointList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type polyLineElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
inherit animatedPoints
class type polygonElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
inherit animatedPoints
class type textContentElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
method textLength : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method lengthAdjust : lengthAdjust animated Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method getNumberOfChars : int Js.meth
method getComputedTextLength : float Js.meth
method getSubStringLength : int -> int -> float Js.meth
method getStartPositionOfChar : int -> point Js.t Js.meth
method getEndPositionOfChar : int -> point Js.t Js.meth
method getExtentOfChar : int -> rect Js.t Js.meth
method getRotationOfChar : int -> float Js.meth
method getCharNumAtPosition : point -> int Js.meth
method selectSubString : int -> int -> unit Js.meth
class type textPositioningElement =
class type textElement =
inherit transformable
class type tspanElement = textPositioningElement
class type trefElement =
inherit uriReference
class type textPathElementMethod = [textPathMethodType] animated
class type textPathElementSpacing = [textPathSpacingType] animated
class type textPathElement =
inherit uriReference
method startOffset : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type altGlyphElement =
inherit uriReference
method glyphRef : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method format : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
class type altGlyphDefElement = element
class type altGlyphItemElement = element
class type glyphRefElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
inherit stylable
method glyphRef : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method format : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
method x : float Js.prop
method y : float Js.prop
method dx : float Js.prop
method dy : float Js.prop
class type animatedSpreadMethod = [spreadMethodType] animated
class type gradientElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
inherit stylable
method gradientTransform : animatedTransformList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method spreadMethod : animatedSpreadMethod Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type linearGradientElement =
inherit gradientElement
class type radialGradientElement =
inherit gradientElement
class type stopElement =
inherit element
inherit stylable
method offset : animatedNumber Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type patternElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit fitToViewBox
method patternTransform : animatedTransformList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method height : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type clipPathElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
class type maskElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
method height : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type filterElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
method height : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method filterResX : animatedInteger Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method filterResY : animatedInteger Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method setFilterRes : int -> int -> unit Js.meth
class type cursorElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
inherit tests
class type aElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
method target : animatedString Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type viewElement =
inherit element
inherit fitToViewBox
inherit zoomAndPan
method viewTarget : stringList Js.t Js.readonly_prop
class type scriptElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
method type_ : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
class type animationElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
method targetElement : element Js.t Js.readonly_prop
method getStartTime : float Js.meth
method getCurrentTime : float Js.meth
method getSimpleDuration : float Js.meth
class type animateElement =
inherit stylable
class type setElement = animationElement
class type animateMotionElement = animationElement
class type mPathElement =
inherit element
inherit uriReference
class type animateColorElement =
inherit stylable
class type animateTransformElement = animationElement
class type fontElement =
inherit element
inherit stylable
class type glyphElement =
inherit element
inherit stylable
class type fontFaceElement = element
class type fontFaceSrcElement = element
class type fontFaceUriElement = element
class type fontFaceFormatElement = element
class type fontFaceNameElement = element
class type metadataElement = element
class type foreignObjectElement =
inherit element
inherit tests
inherit langSpace
inherit stylable
inherit transformable
method height : animatedLength Js.t Js.readonly_prop

Helper functions for creating Svg elements

val createElement : document Js.t -> string -> element Js.t
val createA : document Js.t -> aElement Js.t
val createAltGlyph : document Js.t -> altGlyphElement Js.t
val createAltGlyphDef : document Js.t -> altGlyphDefElement Js.t
val createAltGlyphItem : document Js.t -> altGlyphItemElement Js.t
val createAnimate : document Js.t -> animateElement Js.t
val createAnimateColor : document Js.t -> animateColorElement Js.t
val createAnimateMotion : document Js.t -> animateMotionElement Js.t
val createAnimateTransform : document Js.t -> animateTransformElement Js.t
val createCircle : document Js.t -> circleElement Js.t
val createClipPath : document Js.t -> clipPathElement Js.t
val createCursor : document Js.t -> cursorElement Js.t
val createDefs : document Js.t -> defsElement Js.t
val createDesc : document Js.t -> descElement Js.t
val createEllipse : document Js.t -> ellipseElement Js.t
val createFilter : document Js.t -> filterElement Js.t
val createFont : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFace : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFaceFormat : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFaceName : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFaceSrc : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFaceUri : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createForeignObject : document Js.t -> foreignObjectElement Js.t
val createG : document Js.t -> gElement Js.t
val createGlyph : document Js.t -> glyphElement Js.t
val createGlyphRef : document Js.t -> glyphElement Js.t
val createhkern : document Js.t -> element Js.t
val createImage : document Js.t -> imageElement Js.t
val createLineElement : document Js.t -> lineElement Js.t
val createLinearElement : document Js.t -> linearGradientElement Js.t
val createMask : document Js.t -> maskElement Js.t
val createMetaData : document Js.t -> metadataElement Js.t
val createMissingGlyph : document Js.t -> glyphElement Js.t
val createMPath : document Js.t -> mPathElement Js.t
val createPath : document Js.t -> pathElement Js.t
val createParttern : document Js.t -> patternElement Js.t
val createPolygon : document Js.t -> polygonElement Js.t
val createPolyline : document Js.t -> polyLineElement Js.t
val createRadialgradient : document Js.t -> radialGradientElement Js.t
val createRect : document Js.t -> rectElement Js.t
val createScript : document Js.t -> scriptElement Js.t
val createSet : document Js.t -> setElement Js.t
val createStop : document Js.t -> stopElement Js.t
val createStyle : document Js.t -> styleElement Js.t
val createSvg : document Js.t -> svgElement Js.t
val createSwitch : document Js.t -> switchElement Js.t
val createSymbol : document Js.t -> symbolElement Js.t
val createTextElement : document Js.t -> textElement Js.t
val createTextpath : document Js.t -> textPathElement Js.t
val createTitle : document Js.t -> titleElement Js.t
val createTref : document Js.t -> trefElement Js.t
val createTspan : document Js.t -> tspanElement Js.t
val createUse : document Js.t -> useElement Js.t
val createView : document Js.t -> viewElement Js.t
val createvkern : document Js.t -> element Js.t
val svg_element : element Js.t Js.constr
val getElementById : string -> element Js.t
module CoerceTo : sig

Coercion functions

val element : Dom.#node Js.t -> element Js.t Js.opt
val a : element Js.t -> aElement Js.t Js.opt
val altGlyph : element Js.t -> altGlyphElement Js.t Js.opt
val altGlyphDef : element Js.t -> altGlyphDefElement Js.t Js.opt
val altGlyphItem : element Js.t -> altGlyphItemElement Js.t Js.opt
val animate : element Js.t -> animateElement Js.t Js.opt
val animateColor : element Js.t -> animateColorElement Js.t Js.opt
val animateMotion : element Js.t -> animateMotionElement Js.t Js.opt
val animateTransform : element Js.t -> animateTransformElement Js.t Js.opt
val circle : element Js.t -> circleElement Js.t Js.opt
val clipPath : element Js.t -> clipPathElement Js.t Js.opt
val cursor : element Js.t -> cursorElement Js.t Js.opt
val defs : element Js.t -> defsElement Js.t Js.opt
val desc : element Js.t -> descElement Js.t Js.opt
val ellipse : element Js.t -> ellipseElement Js.t Js.opt
val filter : element Js.t -> filterElement Js.t Js.opt
val font : element Js.t -> fontElement Js.t Js.opt
val fontFace : element Js.t -> fontElement Js.t Js.opt
val fontFaceFormat : element Js.t -> fontElement Js.t Js.opt
val fontFaceName : element Js.t -> fontElement Js.t Js.opt
val fontFaceSrc : element Js.t -> fontElement Js.t Js.opt
val fontFaceUri : element Js.t -> fontElement Js.t Js.opt
val foreignObject : element Js.t -> foreignObjectElement Js.t Js.opt
val g : element Js.t -> gElement Js.t Js.opt
val glyph : element Js.t -> glyphElement Js.t Js.opt
val glyphRef : element Js.t -> glyphElement Js.t Js.opt
val hkern : element Js.t -> element Js.t Js.opt
val image : element Js.t -> imageElement Js.t Js.opt
val lineElement : element Js.t -> lineElement Js.t Js.opt
val linearElement : element Js.t -> linearGradientElement Js.t Js.opt
val mask : element Js.t -> maskElement Js.t Js.opt
val metaData : element Js.t -> metadataElement Js.t Js.opt
val missingGlyph : element Js.t -> glyphElement Js.t Js.opt
val mPath : element Js.t -> mPathElement Js.t Js.opt
val path : element Js.t -> pathElement Js.t Js.opt
val parttern : element Js.t -> patternElement Js.t Js.opt
val polygon : element Js.t -> polygonElement Js.t Js.opt
val polyline : element Js.t -> polyLineElement Js.t Js.opt
val radialgradient : element Js.t -> radialGradientElement Js.t Js.opt
val rect : element Js.t -> rectElement Js.t Js.opt
val script : element Js.t -> scriptElement Js.t Js.opt
val set : element Js.t -> setElement Js.t Js.opt
val stop : element Js.t -> stopElement Js.t Js.opt
val style : element Js.t -> styleElement Js.t Js.opt
val svg : element Js.t -> svgElement Js.t Js.opt
val switch : element Js.t -> switchElement Js.t Js.opt
val symbol : element Js.t -> symbolElement Js.t Js.opt
val textElement : element Js.t -> textElement Js.t Js.opt
val textpath : element Js.t -> textPathElement Js.t Js.opt
val title : element Js.t -> titleElement Js.t Js.opt
val tref : element Js.t -> trefElement Js.t Js.opt
val tspan : element Js.t -> tspanElement Js.t Js.opt
val use : element Js.t -> useElement Js.t Js.opt
val view : element Js.t -> viewElement Js.t Js.opt
val vkern : element Js.t -> element Js.t Js.opt