
module Item

: sig
type t
val import : Grammar.Production.index * int -> t
val export : t -> Grammar.Production.index * int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val def : t -> Grammar.Production.index * Grammar.Nonterminal.t * Grammar.Symbol.t array * int * int
val startnt : t -> Grammar.Nonterminal.t
val print : t -> string
type kind =
# | Shift of Grammar.Symbol.t * t
# | Reduce of Grammar.Production.index
val classify : t -> kind
module Set : GSet.S with type element = t
module Map : GMap.S with type key = t and type Domain.t = Set.t
module Closure : functor (L : Lookahead.S) -> sig
type state = L.t Map.t
val closure : state -> state