
module Settings

: sig
val filenames : string list
type token_type_mode =
# | TokenTypeAndCode
# | TokenTypeOnly
# | CodeOnly of string
val token_type_mode : token_type_mode
type construction_mode =
# | ModeCanonical
# | ModeInclusionOnly
# | ModePager
val construction_mode : construction_mode
val explain : bool
val dump : bool
val follow : bool
val graph : bool
val trace : bool
type print_mode =
# | PrintNormal
# | PrintUnitActions
# | PrintUnitActionsUnitTokens
type preprocess_mode =
# | PMNormal
# | PMOnlyPreprocess of print_mode
val preprocess_mode : preprocess_mode
val infer : bool
val inline : bool
type ocamldep_mode =
# | OMNone
# | OMRaw
# | OMPostprocess
val depend : ocamldep_mode
val comment : bool
val noprefix : bool
val code_inlining : bool
val ocamlc : string
val ocamldep : string
val logG : int
val logA : int
val logC : int
val timings : bool
val base : string
val stdlib_filename : string
val interpret : bool
val interpret_show_cst : bool
val table : bool
val coq : bool
val coq_no_complete : bool
val coq_no_actions : bool
val strict : bool
val fixedexc : bool