
module IL

: sig
type program = {
# paramdefs
: Stretch.t list;
# prologue
: Stretch.t list;
# excdefs
: excdef list;
# typedefs
: typedef list;
# nonrecvaldefs
: valdef list;
# moduledefs
: moduledef list;
# valdefs
: valdef list;
# postlogue
: string list;
type interface = interface_item list
type interface_item =
# | IIFunctor of Stretch.t list * interface
# | IIExcDecls of excdef list
# | IITypeDecls of typedef list
# | IIValDecls of (string * typescheme) list
# | IIInclude of module_type
# | IIModule of string * module_type
# | IIComment of string
type module_type =
# | MTNamedModuleType of string
# | MTWithType of module_type * string * with_kind * typ
# | MTSigEnd of interface
type with_kind =
# | WKNonDestructive
# | WKDestructive
type excdef = {
# excname
: string;
# exceq
: string option;
type typedef = {
# typename
: string;
# typeparams
: string list;
# typerhs
: typedefrhs;
# typeconstraint
: (typ * typ) option;
type typedefrhs =
# | TDefRecord of fielddef list
# | TDefSum of datadef list
# | TAbbrev of typ
type fielddef = {
# modifiable
: bool;
# fieldname
: string;
# fieldtype
: typescheme;
type datadef = {
# dataname
: string;
# datavalparams
: typ list;
# datatypeparams
: typ list option;
type typ =
# | TypTextual of Stretch.ocamltype
# | TypVar of string
# | TypApp of string * typ list
# | TypTuple of typ list
# | TypArrow of typ * typ
type typescheme = {
# quantifiers
: string list;
# body
: typ;
type valdef = {
# valpublic
: bool;
# valpat
: pattern;
# valval
: expr;
type expr =
# | EVar of string
# | EFun of pattern list * expr
# | EApp of expr * expr list
# | ELet of (pattern * expr) list * expr
# | EMatch of expr * branch list
# | EIfThen of expr * expr
# | EIfThenElse of expr * expr * expr
# | ERaise of expr
# | ETry of expr * branch list
# | EUnit
# | EIntConst of int
# | EMaxInt
# | EStringConst of string
# | EData of string * expr list
# | ETuple of expr list
# | EAnnot of expr * typescheme
# | EMagic of expr
# | ERepr of expr
# | ERecord of (string * expr) list
# | ERecordAccess of expr * string
# | ERecordWrite of expr * string * expr
# | ETextual of Stretch.t
# | EComment of string * expr
# | EPatComment of string * pattern * expr
# | EArray of expr list
# | EArrayAccess of expr * expr
type branch = {
# branchpat
: pattern;
# branchbody
: expr;
type pattern =
# | PWildcard
# | PVar of string
# | PUnit
# | PData of string * pattern list
# | PTuple of pattern list
# | PRecord of (string * pattern) list
# | POr of pattern list
# | PAnnot of pattern * typ
type directive =
# | DirOpen of string
# | DirInclude of string
type moduledef = {
# modulename
: string;
# modulerhs
: modexpr;
type modexpr =
# | MVar of string
# | MStruct of structure
# | MApp of modexpr * modexpr
type structure = {
# struct_excdefs
: excdef list;
# struct_typedefs
: typedef list;
# struct_nonrecvaldefs
: valdef list;