
module OASISSection

: sig

Manipulate sections.

Author Sylvain Le Gall

Manipulate a section

val section_kind_common : OASISTypes.section -> OASISTypes.section_kind * OASISTypes.common_section

Extract generic information

val section_common : OASISTypes.section -> OASISTypes.common_section

Common section of a section

val section_common_set : OASISTypes.common_section -> OASISTypes.section -> OASISTypes.section

Set the common part of a section

val section_id : OASISTypes.section -> OASISTypes.section_kind * OASISTypes.name

Key used to identify section

val string_of_section : OASISTypes.section -> string

Convert a section to a short string (only informations returned by section_id

val section_find : OASISTypes.section_kind * OASISTypes.name -> OASISTypes.section list -> OASISTypes.section

Find a section

Containers for sections

module CSection : sig

Comparable section, we only rely on section_id for comparison. Not exported

type t = OASISTypes.section
val compare : OASISTypes.section -> OASISTypes.section -> int
val equal : OASISTypes.section -> OASISTypes.section -> bool
val hash : OASISTypes.section -> int
module MapSection : Map.S with type key = CSection.t

Map using CSection. Not exported

module SetSection : Set.S with type elt = CSection.t

Set using CSection. Not exported
