
module Typemod

: sig
val type_module : Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Typedtree.module_expr
val type_structure : Env.t -> Parsetree.structure -> Location.t -> Typedtree.structure * Types.signature * Env.t
val type_toplevel_phrase : Env.t -> Parsetree.structure -> Typedtree.structure * Types.signature * Env.t
val type_implementation : string -> string -> string -> Env.t -> Parsetree.structure -> Typedtree.structure * Typedtree.module_coercion
val type_interface : Env.t -> Parsetree.signature -> Typedtree.signature
val transl_signature : Env.t -> Parsetree.signature -> Typedtree.signature
val check_nongen_schemes : Env.t -> Typedtree.structure_item list -> unit
val type_open_ : ?toplevel:bool -> Asttypes.override_flag -> Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t Asttypes.loc -> Path.t * Env.t
val simplify_signature : Types.signature -> Types.signature
val save_signature : string -> Typedtree.signature -> string -> string -> Env.t -> Types.signature_item list -> unit
val package_units : Env.t -> string list -> string -> string -> Typedtree.module_coercion
type error =
# | Cannot_apply of Types.module_type
# | Not_included of Includemod.error list
# | Cannot_eliminate_dependency of Types.module_type
# | Signature_expected
# | Structure_expected of Types.module_type
# | With_no_component of Longident.t
# | With_mismatch of Longident.t * Includemod.error list
# | Repeated_name of string * string
# | Non_generalizable of Types.type_expr
# | Non_generalizable_class of Ident.t * Types.class_declaration
# | Non_generalizable_module of Types.module_type
# | Implementation_is_required of string
# | Interface_not_compiled of string
# | Not_allowed_in_functor_body
# | With_need_typeconstr
# | Not_a_packed_module of Types.type_expr
# | Incomplete_packed_module of Types.type_expr
# | Scoping_pack of Longident.t * Types.type_expr
# | Recursive_module_require_explicit_type
# | Apply_generative
exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
exception Error_forward of Location.error
val report_error : Env.t -> Format.formatter -> error -> unit