
module Oper

: sig

Basic operations over graphs

Basic operations over graphs

module type S = sig
type g
val transitive_closure : ?reflexive:bool -> g -> g

transitive_closure ?reflexive g returns the transitive closure of g (as a new graph). Loops (i.e. edges from a vertex to itself) are added only if reflexive is true (default is false).

val add_transitive_closure : ?reflexive:bool -> g -> g

add_transitive_closure ?reflexive g replaces g by its transitive closure. Meaningless for persistent implementations (then acts as transitive_closure).

val transitive_reduction : ?reflexive:bool -> g -> g

transitive_reduction ?reflexive g returns the transitive reduction of g (as a new graph). Loops (i.e. edges from a vertex to itself) are removed only if reflexive is true (default is false).

val replace_by_transitive_reduction : ?reflexive:bool -> g -> g

replace_by_transitive_reduction ?reflexive g replaces g by its transitive reduction. Meaningless for persistent implementations (then acts as transitive_reduction).

val mirror : g -> g

mirror g returns a new graph which is the mirror image of g: each edge from u to v has been replaced by an edge from v to u. For undirected graphs, it simply returns g. Note: Vertices are shared between g and mirror g; you may need to make a copy of g before using mirror

val complement : g -> g

complement g returns a new graph which is the complement of g: each edge present in g is not present in the resulting graph and vice-versa. Edges of the returned graph are unlabeled.

val intersect : g -> g -> g

intersect g1 g2 returns a new graph which is the intersection of g1 and g2: each vertex and edge present in g1 *and* g2 is present in the resulting graph.

val union : g -> g -> g

union g1 g2 returns a new graph which is the union of g1 and g2: each vertex and edge present in g1 *or* g2 is present in the resulting graph.

module Make : functor (B : Builder.S) -> S with type g = B.G.t

Basic operations over graphs

module P : functor (G : Sig.P) -> S with type g = G.t

Basic operations over persistent graphs

module I : functor (G : Sig.I) -> S with type g = G.t

Basic operations over imperative graphs


module Choose : functor (G : sig
type t
type vertex
type edge
val iter_vertex : (vertex -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter_edges_e : (edge -> unit) -> t -> unit
) -> sig

Choose an element in a graph

val choose_vertex : G.t -> G.vertex

choose_vertex g returns a vertex from the graph.

Raises Invalid_argument if the graph is empty.
val choose_edge : G.t -> G.edge

choose_edge g returns an edge from the graph.

Raises Invalid_argument if the graph has no edge.


module Neighbourhood : functor (G : sig
type t
module V : Sig.COMPARABLE
val fold_succ : (V.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> V.t -> 'a -> 'a
val succ : t -> V.t -> V.t list
) -> sig

Neighbourhood of vertex / vertices

module Vertex_Set : Set.S with type elt = G.V.t

The neighbourhood of a vertex v is { v' | (succ g v) and (v <> v') }

val list_from_vertex : G.t -> G.V.t -> G.V.t list

Neighbourhood of a vertex as a list.

val set_from_vertex : G.t -> G.V.t -> Vertex_Set.t

Neighbourhood of a vertex as a set. Less efficient that list_from_vertex.

The neighbourhood of a set S of vertices is U \ S where U is the union of neighbourhoods of each vertex of S.

val list_from_vertices : G.t -> G.V.t list -> G.V.t list

Neighbourhood of a list of vertices as a list.

val set_from_vertices : G.t -> G.V.t list -> Vertex_Set.t

Neighbourhood of a list of vertices as a set. More efficient that list_from_vertices.
