
module Util

: sig

Some useful operations.

module OTProduct : functor (X : Sig.ORDERED_TYPE) -> functor (Y : Sig.ORDERED_TYPE) -> Sig.ORDERED_TYPE with type t = X.t * Y.t

Cartesian product of two ordered types.

module HTProduct : functor (X : Sig.HASHABLE) -> functor (Y : Sig.HASHABLE) -> Sig.HASHABLE with type t = X.t * Y.t

Cartesian product of two hashable types.

module CMPProduct : functor (X : Sig.COMPARABLE) -> functor (Y : Sig.COMPARABLE) -> Sig.COMPARABLE with type t = X.t * Y.t

Cartesian product of two comparable types.

module DataV : functor (L : sig
type t
) -> functor (V : Sig.COMPARABLE) -> sig

Create a vertex type with some data attached to it

type data = L.t
type label = V.t
type t = data Pervasives.ref * V.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val create : data -> V.t -> t
val label : t -> V.t
val data : t -> data
val set_data : t -> data -> unit