
module OpamFile

: sig

Functions to read and write OPAM configuration files in a typed way

module type IO_FILE = sig

All Configuration files satisfies this signature

type t

File contents

val empty : t

Empty file

val write : OpamTypes.filename -> t -> unit

Write some contents to a file

val read : OpamTypes.filename -> t

Read file contents. Raise an error if the file does not exist.

val safe_read : OpamTypes.filename -> t

Read file contents. Return empty if the file does not exist.

val read_from_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> t

Read from channel.

val write_to_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> unit

Write to channel.

module Lines : IO_FILE with type t = string list list

Lines of space-separated words.

module Config : sig

Configuration file: $opam/config

include IO_FILE
val create : OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.repository_name list -> ?criteria:(OpamTypes.solver_criteria * string) list -> ?solver:string -> int -> int -> t


val with_switch : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> t

OCaml switch updates

val with_repositories : t -> OpamTypes.repository_name list -> t

Repository updates

val with_current_opam_version : t -> t

Update opam-version to the current one

val with_criteria : t -> (OpamTypes.solver_criteria * string) list -> t
val with_solver : t -> string option -> t
val opam_version : t -> OpamTypes.opam_version

Return the OPAM version

val repositories : t -> OpamTypes.repository_name list

Return the list of repository

val switch : t -> OpamTypes.switch

Return the OCaml switch

val jobs : t -> int

Return the number of jobs

val dl_jobs : t -> int

Return the number of download jobs

val criteria : t -> (OpamTypes.solver_criteria * string) list
val solver : t -> string option
module OPAM : sig

OPAM files

include IO_FILE
val create : OpamTypes.package -> t

Create an opam file

val template : OpamTypes.package -> t

Create an OPAM package template filled with common options

val validate : t -> string list

Runs several sanity checks on the opam file; returns a list of warnings

val is_explicit : OpamTypes.filename -> bool

Returns true if the given OPAM file contains 'name' or 'version' fields

val opam_version : t -> OpamTypes.opam_version

Get OPAM version.

val name : t -> OpamTypes.name

Package name

val name_opt : t -> OpamTypes.name option
val version : t -> OpamTypes.version

Package version

val version_opt : t -> OpamTypes.version option
val ocaml_version : t -> OpamTypes.compiler_constraint option

Compiler constraint

val os : t -> (bool * string) OpamTypes.generic_formula

OS constraint

val available : t -> OpamTypes.filter

Availability formula (OS + compiler constraints)

val maintainer : t -> string list

Package maintainer(s)

val substs : t -> OpamTypes.basename list

File substitutions

val build_env : t -> (string * string * string) list

List of environment variables to set-up for the build

val build : t -> OpamTypes.command list

List of command to run for building the package

val install : t -> OpamTypes.command list

List of command to run for installing the package

val remove : t -> OpamTypes.command list

List of command to run for removing the package

val depends : t -> OpamTypes.ext_formula

Package dependencies

val depopts : t -> OpamTypes.ext_formula

Optional dependencies

val depexts : t -> OpamTypes.tags option

External dependencies

val conflicts : t -> OpamTypes.formula

Package conflicts

val libraries : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list

List of exported libraries

val syntax : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list

List of exported syntax extensions

val patches : t -> (OpamTypes.basename * OpamTypes.filter option) list


val homepage : t -> string list


val author : t -> string list


val license : t -> string list


val doc : t -> string list

API documentation

val tags : t -> string list

Classification tags

val build_test : t -> OpamTypes.command list

Commands to build and run the tests

val build_doc : t -> OpamTypes.command list

Commands to build the documentation

val messages : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list

Messages to display before taking action

val post_messages : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list

Messages to display at end of install

val bug_reports : t -> string list

Where to post bug reports.

val flags : t -> OpamTypes.package_flag list

The package flags that are present for this package.

val with_opam_version : t -> OpamTypes.opam_version -> t

Sets the opam version

val dev_repo : t -> OpamTypes.pin_option option

The package source repository address

val with_name : t -> OpamTypes.name -> t

construct as name

val with_name_opt : t -> OpamTypes.name option -> t
val with_version : t -> OpamTypes.version -> t

construct as version

val with_version_opt : t -> OpamTypes.version option -> t
val with_depends : t -> OpamTypes.ext_formula -> t

Construct as depends

val with_depopts : t -> OpamTypes.ext_formula -> t

Construct as depopts

val with_conflicts : t -> OpamTypes.formula -> t
val with_build : t -> OpamTypes.command list -> t

Construct as build

val with_install : t -> OpamTypes.command list -> t
val with_remove : t -> OpamTypes.command list -> t

Construct as remove

val with_libraries : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list -> t

Construct as libraries

val with_syntax : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list -> t

Replace the syntax field of the given OPAM file.

val with_substs : t -> OpamTypes.basename list -> t

Construct as substs

val with_ocaml_version : t -> OpamTypes.compiler_constraint option -> t

Construct as compiler_version

val with_os : t -> (bool * string) OpamTypes.generic_formula -> t
val with_maintainer : t -> string list -> t

Construct as maintainer

val with_patches : t -> (OpamTypes.basename * OpamTypes.filter option) list -> t

Construct as patches

val with_bug_reports : t -> string list -> t

Construct using bug_reports

val with_depexts : t -> OpamTypes.tags option -> t

Construct using depexts

val with_flags : t -> OpamTypes.package_flag list -> t
val with_dev_repo : t -> OpamTypes.pin_option option -> t
val to_1_0 : OpamTypes.file -> OpamTypes.file

Convert to OPAM 1.0

module Descr : sig

Package descriptions: $opam/descr/

include IO_FILE
val of_string : string -> t

Create an abstract description file from a string

val synopsis : t -> string

Return the first line

val body : t -> string

Return the body

val full : t -> string

Return the full description

module Aliases : IO_FILE with type t = OpamTypes.compiler OpamTypes.switch_map

Compiler aliases: $opam/aliases


Import/export file. This difference with installed is that we are explicit about root packages.

module Installed : IO_FILE with type t = OpamTypes.package_set

List of installed packages: $opam/$oversion/installed

module Installed_roots : IO_FILE with type t = OpamTypes.package_set

List of packages explicitly installed by the user: $opam/$switch/installed.user

module Reinstall : IO_FILE with type t = OpamTypes.package_set

List of packages to reinstall: $opam/$oversion/reinstall

module Comp : sig

Compiler version $opam/compilers/

include IO_FILE
val create_preinstalled : OpamTypes.compiler -> OpamTypes.compiler_version -> OpamTypes.name list -> (string * string * string) list -> t

Create a pre-installed compiler description file

val preinstalled : t -> bool

Is it a pre-installed compiler description file

val opam_version : t -> OpamTypes.opam_version

Get OPAM version

val name : t -> OpamTypes.compiler

Return the compiler name

val version : t -> OpamTypes.compiler_version

Return the compiler version

val src : t -> OpamTypes.address option

Return the url of the compiler

val kind : t -> OpamTypes.repository_kind

Return the url kind

val patches : t -> OpamTypes.filename list

Return the list of patches to apply

val configure : t -> string list

Options to give to the "./configure" command

val make : t -> string list

Options to give to the "make" command

val build : t -> OpamTypes.command list

Options to give to build the package. If this one is provided, nothing should be specified for configure and make.

val packages : t -> OpamTypes.formula

Packages to install immediately after the creation of OCaml

val env : t -> (string * string * string) list

Environment variable to set-up before running commands in the subtree

val to_1_0 : OpamTypes.file -> OpamTypes.file

Convert to OPAM 1.0


Configuration files

module Dot_install : sig

.install files

include IO_FILE
val bin : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

List of files to install in $bin/

val sbin : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

List of files to install in $sbin/

val lib : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

List of files to install in $lib/

val toplevel : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

List of toplevel files

val stublibs : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

C bindings

val share : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

List of architecture-independent files

val share_root : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

List of files under the more general share prefix

val etc : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

List of etc files

val doc : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

List of doc files

val man : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.basename option) list

Man pages

val misc : t -> (OpamTypes.basename OpamTypes.optional * OpamTypes.filename) list

List of other files to install

module Dot_config : sig

.config files

include IO_FILE
val create : (OpamTypes.variable * OpamTypes.variable_contents) list -> t

Create a new .config file (containing only variables)

val variable : t -> OpamTypes.variable -> OpamTypes.variable_contents option

Top-level variables

val variables : t -> OpamTypes.variable list

The list of top-level variables


Repository files

module Package_index : IO_FILE with type t = (OpamTypes.repository_name * string option) OpamTypes.package_map

Association between package names and repositories

module Compiler_index : IO_FILE with type t = (OpamTypes.repository_name * string option) OpamTypes.compiler_map

Association between compiler names and repositories

module Repo_config : IO_FILE with type t = OpamTypes.repository

Repository config: $opam/repo/$repo/config

module Pinned : IO_FILE with type t = OpamTypes.pin_option OpamTypes.name_map

Pinned package files

module Repo : sig

Repository metadata

include IO_FILE
val create : ?browse:string -> ?upstream:string -> ?opam_version:string -> ?redirect:(string * OpamTypes.filter option) list -> unit -> t
val opam_version : t -> OpamVersion.t

The minimum OPAM version required for this repository

val browse : t -> string option

Base URL for browsing packages on the WWW

val upstream : t -> string option

Base URL for browsing OPAM repository source on the WWW

val redirect : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list



Substitution files

module Subst : sig

Substitution files

include IO_FILE
val replace : t -> (OpamTypes.full_variable -> OpamTypes.variable_contents) -> t

Substitute the variables appearing in a file

val replace_string : string -> (OpamTypes.full_variable -> OpamTypes.variable_contents) -> string

Substitute the variables appearing in a string

module URL : sig

Urls for OPAM repositories

include IO_FILE
val create : OpamTypes.repository_kind -> ?mirrors:OpamTypes.address list -> OpamTypes.address -> t
val url : t -> OpamTypes.address

URL address

val mirrors : t -> OpamTypes.address list
val kind : t -> OpamTypes.repository_kind

Backend kind (could be curl/rsync/git/darcs/hg at the moment)

val checksum : t -> string option

Archive checksum

val with_checksum : t -> string -> t


module File_attributes : IO_FILE with type t = OpamTypes.file_attribute_set

urls.txt file *

module Filenames : IO_FILE with type t = OpamTypes.filename_set

List of filenames

module Prefix : IO_FILE with type t = string OpamTypes.name_map

Prefix of package directories

val print_stats : unit -> unit

Display statistics about file access.
