
module Sodium

: sig

A binding to libsodium which wraps NaCl

exception Verification_failure

Raised when message authentication fails.

exception Size_mismatch of string

Raised when attempting to deserialize a malformed key or nonce.

type public

Phantom type indicating that the key is public.

type secret

Phantom type indicating that the key is secret.

type channel

Phantom type indicating that the key is composed of a secret key and a public key. Such a key must be treated as a secret key.

module Random : sig
val stir : unit -> unit
module type S = sig
type storage
val generate_into : storage -> unit
val generate : int -> storage
module Bytes : S with type storage = Bytes.t
module Bigbytes : S with type storage = bigbytes
module Box : sig
type 'a key
type secret_key = secret key
type public_key = public key
type channel_key = channel key
type keypair = secret key * public key
type nonce
val primitive : string

Primitive used by this implementation. Currently "curve25519xsalsa20poly1305".

val public_key_size : int

Size of public keys, in bytes.

val secret_key_size : int

Size of secret keys, in bytes.

val channel_key_size : int

Size of channel keys, in bytes.

val nonce_size : int

Size of nonces, in bytes.

val random_keypair : unit -> keypair

random_keypair () generates a random key pair.

val random_nonce : unit -> nonce

random_nonce () generates a random nonce.

val nonce_of_bytes : Bytes.t -> nonce

nonce_of_bytes b creates a nonce out of bytes b. If b is not nonce_size byte long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val increment_nonce : ?step:int -> nonce -> nonce

increment_nonce ?step n interprets nonce n as a big-endian number and returns the sum of n and step with wrap-around. The default step is 1.

val wipe_key : 'a key -> unit

wipe_key k overwrites k with zeroes.

val precompute : secret key -> public key -> channel key

precompute sk pk precomputes the channel key for the secret key sk and the public key pk, which can be used to speed up processing of any number of messages.

val equal_public_keys : public key -> public key -> bool

equal_public_keys a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

val equal_secret_keys : secret key -> secret key -> bool

equal_secret_keys a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

val equal_channel_keys : channel key -> channel key -> bool

equal_channel_keys a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

val compare_public_keys : public key -> public key -> int

compare_public_keys a b compares a and b.

module type S = sig
type storage
val of_public_key : public key -> storage

of_public_key k converts k to type storage. The result is public_key_size bytes long.

val to_public_key : storage -> public key

to_public_key s converts s to a public key. If s is not public_key_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val of_secret_key : secret key -> storage

of_secret_key k converts k to type storage. The result is secret_key_size bytes long.

val to_secret_key : storage -> secret key

to_secret_key s converts s to a secret key. If s is not secret_key_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val of_channel_key : channel key -> storage

of_channel_key k converts k to type storage. The result is channel_key_size bytes long.

val to_channel_key : storage -> channel key

to_channel_key s converts s to a channel key. If s is not channel_key_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val of_nonce : nonce -> storage

of_nonce n converts n to type storage. The result is nonce_size bytes long.

val to_nonce : storage -> nonce

to_nonce s converts s to a nonce. If s is not nonce_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val box : secret key -> public key -> storage -> nonce -> storage

box sk pk m n encrypts and authenticates a message m using the sender's secret key sk, the receiver's public key pk, and a nonce n.

val box_open : secret key -> public key -> storage -> nonce -> storage

box_open sk pk c n verifies and decrypts a ciphertext c using the receiver's secret key sk, the sender's public key pk, and a nonce n. If authenticity of message cannot be verified, Verification_failure is raised.

val fast_box : channel key -> storage -> nonce -> storage

fast_box ck m n encrypts and authenticates a message m using the channel key ck precomputed from sender's secret key and the receiver's public key, and a nonce n.

val fast_box_open : channel key -> storage -> nonce -> storage

fast_box_open ck c n verifies and decrypts a ciphertext c using the channel key ck precomputed from receiver's secret key and the sender's public key, and a nonce n. If authenticity of message cannot be verified, Verification_failure is raised.

module Bytes : S with type storage = Bytes.t
module Bigbytes : S with type storage = bigbytes
module Scalar_mult : sig
type group_elt
type integer
val primitive : string

Primitive used by this implementation. Currently "curve25519".

val group_elt_size : int

Size of group elements, in bytes.

val integer_size : int

Size of integers, in bytes.

val equal_group_elt : group_elt -> group_elt -> bool

equal_group_elt a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

val equal_integer : integer -> integer -> bool

equal_integer a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

val mult : integer -> group_elt -> group_elt

mult n p multiplies a group element p by an integer n.

val base : integer -> group_elt

base n computes the scalar product of a standard group element and an integer n.

module type S = sig
type storage
val of_group_elt : group_elt -> storage

of_group_elt ge converts ge to type storage. The result is group_elt_size bytes long.

val to_group_elt : storage -> group_elt

to_group_elt s converts s to a group_elt. If s is not group_elt_size long, Invalid_argument is raised.

val of_integer : integer -> storage

of_integer i converts i to type storage. The result is integer_size bytes long.

val to_integer : storage -> integer

to_integer s converts s to a integer. If s is not integer_size long, Invalid_argument is raised.

module Bytes : S with type storage = Bytes.t
module Bigbytes : S with type storage = bigbytes
module Sign : sig
type 'a key
type secret_key = secret key
type public_key = public key
type keypair = secret key * public key
val primitive : string

Primitive used by this implementation. Currently "ed25519".

val public_key_size : int

Size of public keys, in bytes.

val secret_key_size : int

Size of secret keys, in bytes.

val random_keypair : unit -> keypair

random_keypair () generates a random key pair.

val wipe_key : 'a key -> unit

wipe_key k overwrites k with zeroes.

val equal_public_keys : public key -> public key -> bool

equal_public_keys a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

val equal_secret_keys : secret key -> secret key -> bool

equal_secret_keys a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

val compare_public_keys : public key -> public key -> int

compare_public_keys a b compares a and b.

module type S = sig
type storage
val of_public_key : public key -> storage

of_public_key k converts k to type storage. The result is public_key_size bytes long.

val to_public_key : storage -> public key

to_public_key s converts s to a public key. If s is not public_key_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val of_secret_key : secret key -> storage

of_secret_key k converts k to type storage. The result is secret_key_size bytes long.

val to_secret_key : storage -> secret key

to_secret_key s converts s to a secret key. If s is not secret_key_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val sign : secret key -> storage -> storage

sign sk m signs a message m using the signer's secret key sk, and returns the resulting signed message.

val sign_open : public key -> storage -> storage

sign_open pk sm verifies the signature in sm using the signer's public key pk, and returns the message. If authenticity of message cannot be verified, Verification_failure is raised.

module Bytes : S with type storage = Bytes.t
module Bigbytes : S with type storage = bigbytes
module Secret_box : sig
type 'a key
type secret_key = secret key
type nonce
val primitive : string

Primitive used by this implementation. Currently "xsalsa20poly1305".

val key_size : int

Size of keys, in bytes.

val nonce_size : int

Size of nonces, in bytes.

val random_key : unit -> secret key

random_key () generates a random secret key .

val random_nonce : unit -> nonce

random_nonce () generates a random nonce.

val nonce_of_bytes : Bytes.t -> nonce

nonce_of_bytes b creates a nonce out of bytes b. If b is not nonce_size byte long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val increment_nonce : ?step:int -> nonce -> nonce

increment_nonce ?step n interprets nonce n as a big-endian number and returns the sum of n and step with wrap-around. The default step is 1.

val wipe_key : secret key -> unit

wipe_key k overwrites k with zeroes.

val equal_keys : secret key -> secret key -> bool

equal_keys a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

module type S = sig
type storage
val of_key : secret key -> storage

of_key k converts k to type storage. The result is key_size bytes long.

val to_key : storage -> secret key

to_key s converts s to a secret key. If s is not key_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val of_nonce : nonce -> storage

of_nonce n converts n to type storage. The result is nonce_size bytes long.

val to_nonce : storage -> nonce

to_nonce s converts s to a nonce. If s is not nonce_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val secret_box : secret key -> storage -> nonce -> storage

secret_box k m n encrypts and authenticates a message m using a secret key k and a nonce n, and returns the resulting ciphertext.

val secret_box_open : secret key -> storage -> nonce -> storage

secret_box_open k c n verifies and decrypts a ciphertext c using a secret key k and a nonce n, and returns the resulting plaintext m. If authenticity of message cannot be verified, Verification_failure is raised.

module Bytes : S with type storage = Bytes.t
module Bigbytes : S with type storage = bigbytes
module Stream : sig
type 'a key
type secret_key = secret key
type nonce
val primitive : string

Primitive used by this implementation. Currently "xsalsa20".

val key_size : int

Size of keys, in bytes.

val nonce_size : int

Size of nonces, in bytes.

val random_key : unit -> secret key

random_key () generates a random secret key .

val random_nonce : unit -> nonce

random_nonce () generates a random nonce.

val nonce_of_bytes : Bytes.t -> nonce

nonce_of_bytes b creates a nonce out of bytes b. If b is not nonce_size byte long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val increment_nonce : ?step:int -> nonce -> nonce

increment_nonce ?step n interprets nonce n as a big-endian number and returns the sum of n and step with wrap-around. The default step is 1.

val wipe_key : secret key -> unit

wipe_key k overwrites k with zeroes.

val equal_keys : secret key -> secret key -> bool

equal_keys a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

module type S = sig
type storage
val of_key : secret key -> storage

of_key k converts k to type storage. The result is key_size bytes long.

val to_key : storage -> secret key

to_key s converts s to a secret key. If s is not key_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val of_nonce : nonce -> storage

of_nonce n converts n to type storage. The result is nonce_size bytes long.

val to_nonce : storage -> nonce

to_nonce s converts s to a nonce. If s is not nonce_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val stream : secret key -> int -> nonce -> storage

stream k len n produces a len-byte stream c as a function of a secret key k and a nonce n.

val stream_xor : secret key -> storage -> nonce -> storage

stream_xor k m n encrypts or decrypts a message m using a secret key k and a nonce n.

module Bytes : S with type storage = Bytes.t
module Bigbytes : S with type storage = bigbytes
module Auth : sig
type 'a key
type secret_key = secret key
type auth
val primitive : string

Primitive used by this implementation. Currently "hmacsha512256".

val key_size : int

Size of keys, in bytes.

val auth_size : int

Size of authenticators, in bytes.

val random_key : unit -> secret key

random_key () generates a random secret key .

val wipe_key : secret key -> unit

wipe_key k overwrites k with zeroes.

val equal_keys : secret key -> secret key -> bool

equal_keys a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

module type S = sig
type storage
val of_key : secret key -> storage

of_key k converts k to type storage. The result is key_size bytes long.

val to_key : storage -> secret key

to_key s converts s to a secret key. If s is not key_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val of_auth : auth -> storage

of_auth a converts a to type storage. The result is auth_size bytes long.

val to_auth : storage -> auth

to_auth s converts s to an authenticator. If s is not auth_size long, Size_mismatch is raised.

val auth : secret key -> storage -> auth

auth k m authenticates a message m using a secret key k, and returns an authenticator a.

val verify : secret key -> auth -> storage -> unit

verify k a m checks that a is a correct authenticator of a message m under the secret key k. If it is not, Verification_failed is raised.

module Bytes : S with type storage = Bytes.t
module Bigbytes : S with type storage = bigbytes
module One_time_auth : sig
include module type of Auth
val primitive : string

Primitive used by this implementation. Currently "poly1305".

module Hash : sig
type hash
val primitive : string

Primitive used by this implementation. Currently "sha512".

val size : int

Size of hashes, in bytes.

val equal : hash -> hash -> bool

equal a b checks a and b for equality in constant time.

module type S = sig
type storage
val of_hash : hash -> storage

of_hash h converts h to type storage. The result is size bytes long.

val to_hash : storage -> hash

to_hash s converts s to a hash. If s is not size long, Invalid_argument is raised.

val digest : storage -> hash

digest m computes a hash for message m.

module Bytes : S with type storage = Bytes.t
module Bigbytes : S with type storage = bigbytes