
module Fetch

: sig
type fetch_feed_response = [
| `update of [
| `feed
] Element.t * fetch_feed_response Lwt.t option
| `aborted_by_user
| `problem of string * fetch_feed_response Lwt.t option
| `no_update
class type fetcher =
method download_and_import_feed : Feed_url.remote_feed -> fetch_feed_response Lwt.t
method download_impls : Impl.generic_implementation list -> [
| `success
| `aborted_by_user
] Lwt.t
method import_feed : Feed_url.remote_feed -> string -> unit Lwt.t

import_feed url xml checks the signature on xml and imports it into the cache if trusted. If not trusted, it confirms with the user first, downloading any missing keys first.

method download_icon : Feed_url.non_distro_feed -> string -> unit Lwt.t

Download the icon and add it to the disk cache as the icon for the given feed.

method ui : Progress.watcher
val make : General.config -> Trust.trust_db -> Distro.distribution -> Downloader.download_pool -> Progress.#watcher -> fetcher

Create a fetcher for this platform.
