
module Progress

: sig

Used to report progress during a solve

type key_vote_type =
# | Good
# | Bad
type key_vote = key_vote_type * string
class type watcher =
method report : 'a . ([< ] as 'a) -> string -> unit
method update : (bool * Solver.Model.t) * Feed_provider.feed_provider -> unit
method monitor : Downloader.download -> unit

A new download has been added (may still be queued).

method confirm_keys : Feed_url.remote_feed -> (Support.Gpg.fingerprint * key_vote list Lwt.t) list -> Support.Gpg.fingerprint list Lwt.t

Ask the user to confirm they trust at least one of the signatures on this feed.

key_info a list of fingerprints and their (eventual) votes Return the list of fingerprints the user wants to trust.
method confirm : string -> [
| `ok
| `cancel
] Lwt.t

Display a confirmation request

method impl_added_to_store : unit

Called each time a new implementation is added to the cache. This is used by the GUI to refresh its display.
