
module Solver

: sig

Select a compatible set of components to run a program.

type role = {
# scope
: scope;
# iface
: General.iface_uri;
# source
: bool;
module Model : Sigs.SOLVER_RESULT with type Role.t = role and type impl = Impl.generic_implementation
val selections : Model.t -> Selections.t
val impl_provider : role -> Impl_provider.impl_provider

Get the impl_provider used for this role. Useful for diagnostics and in the GUI to list the candidates.

val get_root_requirements : General.config -> Requirements.t -> (Impl_provider.scope_filter -> Impl_provider.impl_provider) -> Model.requirements

Convert Requirements.t to requirements for the solver. This looks at the host system to get some values (whether we have multi-arch support, default CPU and OS).

val do_solve : Model.requirements -> closest_match:bool -> Model.t option

Find a set of implementations which satisfy these requirements. Consider using solve_for instead.

closest_match adds a lowest-ranked (but valid) implementation to every interface, so we can always select something. Useful for diagnostics.
Returns None if the solve fails (only happens if closest_match is false.
val solve_for : General.config -> Feed_provider.feed_provider -> Requirements.t -> bool * Model.t

High-level solver interface. Runs do_solve ~closest_match:false and reports (true, results) on success. On failure, tries again with ~closest_match:true and reports (false, results) for diagnostics.

val get_failure_reason : General.config -> Model.t -> string

Why did this solve fail? We take the partial solution from the solver and show, for each component we couldn't select, which constraints caused the candidates to be rejected.
