
module Ui

: sig

Common types for user interface callbacks

type select_mode = [
| `Select_only
| `Download_only
| `Select_for_run
class type ui_handler =
method run_solver : < config : General.config; distro : Distro.distribution; make_fetcher : Progress.watcher -> Fetch.fetcher; .. > -> ?test_callback:(Selections.t -> string Lwt.t) -> ?systray:bool -> select_mode -> Requirements.t -> refresh:bool -> [
| `Aborted_by_user
| `Success of Selections.t
] Lwt.t

Choose (and possibly download) a set of implementations.

test_callback is used if the user clicks on the test button in the bug report dialog.
systray is used during background updates - just show an icon in the systray if possible
method show_preferences : unit Lwt.t option

Display the Preferences dialog. Resolves when dialog is closed.

Returns None if we don't have a GUI available.
method open_app_list_box : unit Lwt.t
method open_add_box : General.feed_url -> unit Lwt.t
method open_cache_explorer : unit Lwt.t
method watcher : Progress.watcher