
module Raw_lexer

: sig
type error =
# | Illegal_character of char
# | Illegal_escape of string
# | Unterminated_comment of Location.t
# | Unterminated_string
# | Unterminated_string_in_comment of Location.t * Location.t
# | Keyword_as_label of string
# | Literal_overflow of string
exception Error of error * Location.t
val report_error : Std.Format.formatter -> error -> unit
type keywords
val keywords : (string * Raw_parser.token) list -> keywords
type 'a result =
# | Return of 'a
# | Refill of unit -> 'a result
# | Fail of error * Location.t
type preprocessor = (Std.Lexing.lexbuf -> Raw_parser.token) -> Std.Lexing.lexbuf -> Raw_parser.token
type state = {
# keywords
: keywords;
# buffer
: Buffer.t;
# mutable string_start_loc
: Location.t;
# mutable comment_start_loc
: Location.t list;
# mutable preprocessor
: preprocessor option;
val make : ?preprocessor:preprocessor -> keywords -> state
val skip_sharp_bang : state -> Std.Lexing.lexbuf -> Raw_parser.token result
val token : state -> Std.Lexing.lexbuf -> Raw_parser.token result
type comment = string * Location.t
val token_without_comments : state -> Std.Lexing.lexbuf -> Raw_parser.token result