
module Dot

: sig

Parser for DOT file format.

val parse_dot_ast : string -> Dot_ast.file
type clusters_hash = (string, Dot_ast.attr list) Hashtbl.t
module Parse : functor (B : Builder.S) -> functor (L : sig
val node : Dot_ast.node_id -> Dot_ast.attr list -> B.G.V.label

How to build the node label out of the set of attributes

val edge : Dot_ast.attr list -> B.G.E.label

How to build the edge label out of the set of attributes

) -> sig

Provide a parser for DOT file format.

val parse : string -> B.G.t

Parses a dot file

val parse_bounding_box_and_clusters : string -> B.G.t * string * clusters_hash

Parses a dot file and returns the graph, its bounding box and a hash table from clusters to dot attributes
