
module Fixpoint

: sig

Fixpoint computation implemented using the work list algorithm. This module makes writing data-flow analysis easy.

One of the simplest fixpoint analysis is that of reachability. Given a directed graph module G, its analysis can be implemented as follows:

module Reachability = Graph.Fixpoint.Make(G)
  type vertex = G.E.vertex
  type edge = G.E.t
  type g = G.t
  type data = bool
  let direction = Graph.Fixpoint.Forward
  let equal = (=)
  let join = (||)
  let analyze _ = (fun x -> x)

The types for vertex, edge and g are those of the graph to be analyzed. The data type is bool: It will tell if the vertex is reachable from the start vertex. The equal operation for bool is simply structural equality; the join operation is logical or. The analyze function is very simple, too: If the predecessor vertex is reachable, so is the successor vertex of the edge.

To use the analysis, an instance of a graph g is required. For this analysis a predicate is_root_vertex : G.E.vertex -> bool is required to initialize the reachability of the root vertex to true and of all other vertices to false.

    let g = ...
    let result = Reachability.analyze is_root_vertex g

The result is a map of type G.E.vertex -> bool that can be queried for every vertex to tell if the vertex is reachable from the root vertex.

Author Markus W. Weissmann
See also DOC Introduction to Lattices and Order B. A. Davey and H. A. Priestley, Cambridge University Press, 2002
See also DOC Fixed Point Theory Andrzej Granas and James Dugundji, Springer, 2003
See also DOC Principles of Program Analysis Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson and Chris Hankin, Springer, 2005
See also DOC Ubersetzerbau 3: Analyse und Transformation Reinhard Wilhelm and Helmut Seidl, Springer, 2010
module type G = sig

Minimal graph signature for work list algorithm

type t
module V : Sig.COMPARABLE
module E : sig
type t
val dst : t -> V.t
val src : t -> V.t
val fold_vertex : (V.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val succ_e : t -> V.t -> E.t list
val pred_e : t -> V.t -> E.t list
val succ : t -> V.t -> V.t list
val pred : t -> V.t -> V.t list
type direction =
# | Forward
# | Backward
(*Type of an analysis*)
module type Analysis = sig
type data

information stored at each vertex

type edge

type of edges of the underlying graph

type vertex

type of vertices of the underlying graph

type g

type of the underlying graph

val direction : direction

the direction of the analysis

val join : data -> data -> data

operation how to join data when paths meet

val equal : data -> data -> bool

predicate to determine the fixpoint

val analyze : edge -> data -> data

the actual analysis of one edge; provided the edge and the incoming data, it needs to compute the outgoing data

module Make : functor (G : G) -> functor (A : Analysis with type g = G.t and type edge = G.E.t and type vertex = G.V.t) -> sig
val analyze : (G.V.t -> A.data) -> A.g -> G.V.t -> A.data

analyze f g computes the fixpoint on the given graph using the work list algorithm. Beware that a misconstructed Analysis will not terminate! f is used to create the initial analysis data. The function returned is a map to see what data was computed for which node.

Beware of applying function analyze partially, to arguments f and g only. The result is a function that is to be used to query the result of the analysis.
