
module Netmcore_camlbox

: sig

Camlboxes for use in netmulticore programs

val create_camlbox : string -> int -> int -> 'a Netcamlbox.camlbox * Netmcore.res_id

create_camlbox prefix n size: Creates a new camlbox with a unique name derived from prefix. prefix must not contain any slahes. The box can have up to n messages of size bytes.

The returned camlbox can receive messages. It is only meaningful in the process that created it, and only this process can receive messages.

Other processes can send messages to this box. They first have to look up the sender object via lookup_camlbox_sender below.

It is suggested that the result of create_camlbox is immediately coerced to the right type t, e.g.

        let box = (create_camlbox prefix n size : t camlbox * res_id)

as this ensures type safety for all following operations.

val lookup_camlbox_address : Netmcore.res_id -> Netcamlbox.camlbox_address

Returns the address of the camlbox identified by this resource ID

val lookup_camlbox_sender : Netmcore.res_id -> 'a Netcamlbox.camlbox_sender

lookup_camlbox_sender res_id: Returns the sender object of the camlbox identified by this resource ID

It is suggested that the result of lookup_camlbox_sender is immediately coerced to the right type t, e.g.

        let box = (lookup_camlbox_sender id : t camlbox_sender)

as this ensures type safety for all following operations.
