
module Rpc_proxy

: sig

RPC proxies

The Rpc_proxy module provides an improved reliability layer on top of [root:Rpc_client]. This layer especially features:

  • automatic connection management: TCP connections are started and terminated as needed
  • multiple connections can be held in parallel to a remote server to increase concurrency on the server
  • failover to other servers when the orignal servers time out
  • support for an initial ping at connection establishment time to test the availability of the connection
  • retransmission of idempotent RPC calls

Proxies can only handle stream connections (TCP and Unix Domain). Also, the remote endpoints must already be specified by socket addresses. (No portmapper and other indirect lookup methods.)

The proxy functionality is implemented in two layers, the managed clients, and the managed sets. The former layer can handle only one TCP connection (with reconnect), whereas the latter is able to manage a bunch of connections to the same service. Both layers can profit from a reliability cache that knows which services had errors in the past.

See below for a tutorial.

There is also a blog article explaining RPC proxies: The next server, please!

module ReliabilityCache : sig

The reliability cache stores information about the availability of remote servers. The managed clients put information about recent failures into the cache.

It is advantegeous to have only one cache per process, because this maximizes the usefulness. The cache is thread-safe.

A server endpoint is disabled when too many errors occur in sequence. For a disabled endpoint the functions host_is_enabled and/or sockaddr_is_enabled return false. The endpoint is automatically enabled again after some timeout; this is initially disable_timeout_min, but is increased exponentially until disable_timeout_max when further errors occur.

Independently of this machinery the functions host_is_enabled and sockaddr_is_enabled may also return false when an external availability checker says that the endpoint is down. This information is not entered into the cache, and will also not trigger the disable timeout. Instead, the hook function getting the availability will be simply called again.

type rcache

The cache

type rcache_policy = [
| `Independent
| `Failing_port_disables_host of int
| `Any_failing_port_disables_host
| `None

How failures of individual ports are interpreted:

  • `Independent: When a connection to a remote port repeatedly fails, only this port is disabled
  • `Failing_port_disables_host p: When a connection to the TCP port p repeatedly fails, the whole remote host is disabled. Other ports do not disable the host, but are treated as in `Independent.
  • `Any_failing_port_disables_host: When a connection to any TCP port repeatedly fails, the whole remote host is disabled
  • `None: Nothing is disabled

Note that the rcache_availability hook is not affected by the policy; this hook is called anyway. The policy only determines how the internal error counter is interpreted.

type rcache_config = {
# rcache_policy
: rcache_policy;(*The policy, see above*)
# rcache_disable_timeout_min
: float;(*For how long ports and hosts are disabled*)
# rcache_disable_timeout_max
: float;(*For how long ports and hosts are disabled at most*)
# rcache_threshold
: int;(*How many errors are required for disabling a port*)
# rcache_availability
: rcache -> Unix.sockaddr -> bool;(*External availability checker. Called by sockaddr_is_enabled before the result is calculated*)
val create_rcache_config : ?policy:rcache_policy -> ?disable_timeout_min:float -> ?disable_timeout_max:float -> ?threshold:int -> ?availability:(rcache -> Unix.sockaddr -> bool) -> unit -> rcache_config

Create a config record. The optional arguments set the config components with the same name. The arguments default to:

  • policy = `None
  • disable_timeout_min = 1.0
  • disable_timeout_max = 64.0
  • threshold = 1
  • availability = fun _ _ -> true
val create_rcache : rcache_config -> rcache

Creates a new cache object. The same cache can be used by several managed clients, even by totally unrelated ones

val rcache_config : rcache -> rcache_config

Return the config

val global_rcache_config : unit -> rcache_config

Returns the global config:

  • policy = `None
  • disable_timeout_min = 1.0
  • disable_timeout_max = 64.0
  • threshold = 1
  • availability = fun _ _ -> true
val set_global_rcache_config : rcache_config -> unit

Sets the new global config. This is only possible as long as neither default_global_config nor global_rcache have been called.

val global_rcache : unit -> rcache

The global cache. Initially, this cache has the default config. It is possible to change the default config before using the global cache for the first time.

val derive_rcache : rcache -> rcache_config -> rcache

derive_cache parent config: Returns a new cache that shares the error counters with parent. The interpretation of the counters, however, may be differently configured in config.

Because it is advantageous to share the error information as much as possible, the recommended way to create a new cache object is to derive it from the global cache.

What derive_rcache actually does (and this is not yet optimal): Any incr and reset of an error counter is also forwarded to the parent cache. The tests whether hosts and ports are enabled do an AND of the results for the cache and its parent (i.e. both must be ok to enable). This allows some information sharing, but only in vertical direction.

val incr_rcache_error_counter : rcache -> Unix.sockaddr -> unit

Increase the error counter for this sockaddr. If the threshold is reached and there is a disable policy, the sockaddr will be disabled.

This function is to be called after an RPC call times out, or runs into a socket error.

val reset_rcache_error_counter : rcache -> Unix.sockaddr -> unit

Reset the error counter for this sockaddr. If disabled, the sockaddr is set to enabled again.

This function is to be called when an RPC call is successful.

val sockaddr_is_enabled : rcache -> Unix.sockaddr -> bool

Returns whether the sockaddr is enabled. This also calls the rcache_availability hook.

val host_is_enabled : rcache -> Unix.inet_addr -> bool

Returns whether the host is enabled

module ManagedClient : sig

Managed clients are [root:Rpc_client] clients with the ability to reconnect in the case of errors.

Additional features:

  • they can also be disabled, either based on a time criterion or a customizable hook. This encodes the assumption that failing servers need some time to recover
  • unused connections are closed (driven by a timeout)
  • support for the initial ping after establishing the connection

Initial pings are useful to test whether the connection is really working. Servers normally accept new TCP connections without knowing whether there are resources for processing the connections (i.e. whether there is a process or thread waiting for serving it). Because of this, the client cannot assume that the TCP connection is really up only because the connect system call said the connection is there. The initial ping fixes this problem: The null procedure is once called after the TCP connection has been established. Only when this works the client believes the connection is really up. It is required that mclient_programs is configured with at least one program, and this program must have a procedure number 0 of type void -> void.

In multi-threaded programs, threads must not share managed clients.

Managed clients can be used together with ocamlrpcgen-generated modules. Provided the generated module M_clnt contains the client code for program P and version V, one can do

         module MC = M_clnt.Make'P(Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient)

and call RPCs f as in

         let res = MC.V.f mc arg

(if mc is the managed client, and arg the argument).

type mclient

A managed client

type mclient_config = {
# mclient_rcache
: ReliabilityCache.rcache;(*The rcache*)
# mclient_socket_config
: Rpc_client.socket_config;(*The socket configuration*)
# mclient_idle_timeout
: float;(*After how many seconds unused connections are closed. A negative value means never. 0 means immediately. A positive value is a point in time in the future.*)
# mclient_programs
: Rpc_program.t list;(*The programs to bind*)
# mclient_msg_timeout
: float;(*After how many seconds the reply must have been arrived. A negative value means there is no timeout. 0 means immediately. A positive value is a point in time in the future.*)
# mclient_msg_timeout_is_fatal
: bool;(*Whether a message timeout is to be considered as fatal error (the client is shut down, and the error counter for the endpoint is increased)*)
# mclient_exception_handler
: (exn -> unit) option;(*Whether to call Rpc_client.set_exception_handler*)
# mclient_auth_methods
: Rpc_client.auth_method list;(*Set these authentication methods in the client*)
# mclient_user_name
: string option;(*The user name for authentication, None = default user*)
# mclient_initial_ping
: bool;(*Whether to call procedure 0 of the first program after connection establishment (see comments above)*)
# mclient_max_response_length
: int option;(*The maximum response length. See Rpc_client.set_max_response_length.*)
# mclient_mstring_factories
: Xdr_mstring.named_mstring_factories option;(*The factories to use for decoding managed strings*)
exception Service_unavailable

Procedure calls may end with this exception when the reliability cache disables the service

val create_mclient_config : ?rcache:ReliabilityCache.rcache -> ?socket_config:Rpc_client.socket_config -> ?idle_timeout:float -> ?programs:Rpc_program.t list -> ?msg_timeout:float -> ?msg_timeout_is_fatal:bool -> ?exception_handler:(exn -> unit) -> ?auth_methods:Rpc_client.auth_method list -> ?user_name:string option -> ?initial_ping:bool -> ?max_response_length:int -> ?mstring_factories:Xdr_mstring.named_mstring_factories -> unit -> mclient_config

Create a config record. The optional arguments set the config components with the same name. The defaults are:

  • rcache: Use the global reliability cache
  • socket_config: Rpc_client.default_socket_config
  • programs: The empty list. It is very advisable to fill this!
  • msg_timeout: (-1), i.e. none
  • msg_timeout_is_fatal: false
  • exception_handler: None
  • auth_methods: empty list
  • user_name: None
  • initial_ping: false
  • max_response_length: None
  • mstring_factories: None
val create_mclient : mclient_config -> Rpc_client.connector -> Unixqueue.event_system -> mclient

Create a managed client for this config connecting to this connector. Only Internet and Unix connectors are supported.

type state = [
| `Down
| `Connecting
| `Up of Unix.sockaddr option

The state:

  • `Down: The initial state, and also reached after a socket error, or after one of the shutdown functions is called. Although `Down, there might still some cleanup to do. When RPC functions are called, the client is automatically revived.
  • `Connecting: This state is used while the initial ping is done. It does not reflect whether the client is really TCP-connected. Without initial ping, this state cannot occur.
  • `Up s: The client is (so far known) up and can be used. s is the socket address of the local socket
val mclient_state : mclient -> state

Get the state

val mclient_serial : mclient -> int

Get the serial number of the connection. The serial number is increased when the client is reconnected. If the client is down the serial number of the next connection attempt is returned.

val pending_calls : mclient -> int

Returns the number of pending calls

val event_system : mclient -> Unixqueue.event_system

Return the event system

val shut_down : mclient -> unit
val sync_shutdown : mclient -> unit
val trigger_shutdown : mclient -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

Shut down the managed client. See the corresponding functions Rpc_client.shut_down, Rpc_client.sync_shutdown, and Rpc_client.trigger_shutdown

val record_unavailability : mclient -> unit

Increases the error counter in the reliability cache for this connection. The only effect can be that the error counter exceeds the rcache_threshold so that the server endpoint is disabled for some time. However, this only affects new connections, not existing ones.

For a stricter interpretation of errors see enforce_unavailability.

The error counter is increased anyway when a socket error happens, or an RPC call times out and msg_timeout_is_fatal is set. This function can be used to also interpret other misbehaviors as fatal errors.

val enforce_unavailability : mclient -> unit

Enforces that all pending procedure calls get the Service_unavailable exception, and that the client is shut down. The background is this: When the reliability cache discovers an unavailable port or host, only the new call is stopped with this exception, but older calls remain unaffected. This function can be used to change the policy, and to stop even pending calls.

The difference to trigger_shutdown is that the pending RPC calls get the exception Service_unavailable instead of Rpc_client.Message_lost, and that it is enforced that the shutdown is recorded as fatal error in the reliability cache.

val set_batch_call : mclient -> unit

The next call is a batch call. See Rpc_client.set_batch_call

val rpc_engine : mclient -> (mclient -> 'a -> ((unit -> 'b) -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a -> 'b Uq_engines.engine

Call an RPC function in engine style:

let e = rpc_engine mc f_rpc

where f_rpc is one of the generated client functions (async signature). The engine reaches `Done r when the result r has arrived.

The engine is not abortable (shut the client down instead).

val compare : mclient -> mclient -> int

ManagedClient can be used with Set.Make and Map.Make

include Rpc_client.USE_CLIENT with type t = mclient
module ManagedSet : sig

Manages a set of clients

type mset

a managed set

type mset_policy = [
| `Failover
| `Balance_load

Sets in which order managed clients are picked from the services array passed to create_mset:

  • `Failover: Picks an element from the first service in services that is enabled and has free capacity. That means that the first service is preferred until it is maxed out or it fails, then the second service is preferred, and so on.
  • `Balance_load: Picks an element from the service in services that is enabled and has the lowest load.
type mset_config = {
# mset_mclient_config
: ManagedClient.mclient_config;(*The mclient config*)
# mset_policy
: mset_policy;(*The policy*)
# mset_pending_calls_max
: int;(*When an mclient processes this number of calls at the same time, it is considered as fully busy. (Value must by > 0).*)
# mset_pending_calls_norm
: int;(*When an mclient processes less than this number of calls, its load is considered as too light, and it is tried to put more load on this client before opening another one*)
# mset_idempotent_max
: int;(*How often idempotent procedures may be tried to be called. A negative value means infinite.*)
# mset_idempotent_wait
: float;(*Wait this number of seconds before trying again*)
exception Cluster_service_unavailable

Raised by mset_pick when no available endpoint can be found, or all available endpoints have reached their maximum load.

val create_mset_config : ?mclient_config:ManagedClient.mclient_config -> ?policy:mset_policy -> ?pending_calls_max:int -> ?pending_calls_norm:int -> ?idempotent_max:int -> ?idempotent_wait:float -> unit -> mset_config

Create a config record. The optional arguments set the config components with the same name. The defaults are:

  • mclient_config: The default mclient config
  • policy: `Balance_load
  • pending_calls_max: max_int
  • pending_calls_norm: 1
  • idempotent_max: 3
  • idempotent_wait: 5.0
val create_mset : mset_config -> (Rpc_client.connector * int) array -> Unixqueue.event_system -> mset

create_mset config services: The mset is created with config, and the services array describes which ports are available, and how often each port may be contacted (i.e. max number of connections).

val mset_pick : ?from:int list -> mset -> ManagedClient.mclient * int

Pick an mclient for another call, or raise Cluster_service_unavailable. The returned int is the index in the mset_services array.

If from is given, not all specified mclients qualify for this call. In from one can pass a list of indexes pointing into the mset_services array, and only from these mclients the mclient is picked. For `Failover policies, the order given in from is respected, and the mclients are checked from left to right.

val mset_services : mset -> (Rpc_client.connector * int) array

Returns the service array

val mset_load : mset -> int array

Returns the number of pending calls per service

val event_system : mset -> Unixqueue.event_system

Return the event system

val shut_down : mset -> unit
val sync_shutdown : mset -> unit
val trigger_shutdown : mset -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

Shut down the managed set. See the corresponding functions Rpc_client.shut_down, Rpc_client.sync_shutdown, and Rpc_client.trigger_shutdown

val idempotent_async_call : ?from:int list -> mset -> (ManagedClient.mclient -> 'a -> ((unit -> 'b) -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a -> ((unit -> 'b) -> unit) -> unit

idempotent_async_call mset async_call arg emit: Picks a new mclient and calls async_call mclient arg emit. If the call leads to a fatal error, a new mclient is picked, and the call is repeated. In total, the call may be tried mset_idempotent_max times. It is recommended to set rcache_threshold to 1 when using this function because this enforces that a different mclient is picked when the first one fails.

Note that a timeout is not considered as a fatal error by default; one has to enable that by setting mclient_msg_timeout_is_fatal.

Note that this form of function is compatible with the generated foo'async functions of the language mapping.

from has the same meaning as in mset_pick.

val idempotent_sync_call : ?from:int list -> mset -> (ManagedClient.mclient -> 'a -> ((unit -> 'b) -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a -> 'b

Synchronized version. Note that you have to pass an asynchronous function as second argument. The result is synchronous, however.


The Rpc_proxy tutorial


Managed clients

A normal RPC client has a very limited lifecylce: It is created, then a connection is made to an RPC service, messages are exchanged, and finally the connection is terminated. After that the client becomes unusable. In short, it is "use once" client.

In contrast to this, managed clients can be recycled. This is especially useful for dealing with socket errors, and connection terminations triggered by the RPC server.

How to use managed clients: For a normal RPC client the generator ocamlrpcgen creates all required glue code to easily start RPC calls. For example, if a file proto.x is taken as input for ocamlrpcgen, a piece of code doing a call could look like:

      let client =
        Proto_clnt.PROG.VERS.create_client connector protocol
      let result =
        Proto_clnt.PROG.VERS.procedure client argument

(Here, PROG, VERS, procedure are just placeholders for the name of the program, the version identifier, and the procedure name.)

For RPC proxies, however, this is slightly more complicated. ocamlrpcgen does not produce a managed client that is ready for use. Instead, only a functor is provided that can take the Rpc_proxy.ManagedlClient module as input:

      module M = Proto_clnt.Make'PROG(Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient)

      let esys =
      let mclient_config =
          ~programs:[ Proto_clnt.PROG.VERS._program ]
          () in
      let mclient =
        Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.create_mclient mclient_config connector esys
      let result =
        M.VERS.procedure mclient argument

(The functor approach has been chosen, because it gives the user more flexibility - it is possible to apply the functor on other implementations of improved clients than Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.)

Note that esys is always explicit, even in the case the user only performs synchronous calls - the user should create a new esys then, pass it to mclient, and ignore it otherwise.

Now, how does the recycling feature work? The managed client can be in one of three states:

  • `Down: The client is not connected. This is the initial state, and the state after errors and terminated connections (no matter whether triggered by the client or by the server)
  • `Connecting: The client is busy (re)connecting (only used in some cases)
  • `Up sockaddr: The client is connected and has the socket address sockaddr

The state can be queried with Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.mclient_state. When it is `Down, the next RPC call automatically starts the reconnect to the service. When the connection is established, the call is done, and the messages are exchanged that are representing the call. After that, the state remains `Up after the call.

When the call stops because of an error, the error is reported to the user in the normal way, and the client is shut down, i.e. after an error the state is `Down. If the user decides to try the call again, the client automatically reconnects following the outlined rules. Note that managed clients never automatically retry calls by themselves.

When the TCP connection is regularly shut down (either by the server or by the client calling Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.shut_down), the client state is changed to `Down at the next opportunity. Especially a server-driven shutdown may first be detected when the next RPC call is tried on the connection. This may or may not lead to an error depending on the exact timing. In any way, the connection is finally established again.

Of course, managed clients must be shut down after use, because there is no other (automatic) way of recognizing that they are no longer used. Call Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.shut_down for this.

Managed client also have a few more features that can be enabled in mclient_config, especially:

  • Initial ping: This means that the TCP connection is tested before being used for user operations. The test is done by pinging the service once (via the RPC null procedure). This is recommended because some connectivity problems can first be detected when the TCP connection is actually used.
  • Idle timeout: The TCP connection is closed after it is idle for some period of time. "Idle" means here that nothing is being transmitted, and that no response from the server is expected. The connection is closed at the first opportunity. The user should be aware that this can only happen when the event loop for esys is running. Especially for synchronous calls this is typically not the case, so one would have to call Unixqueue.run esys now and then to create opportunities for detecting the idle timeout.
  • Reliability cache: The cache object counts errors, and can disable certain service endpoints if they only produce errors. This mostly makes sense when there are alternative endpoints, i.e. in the context of a managed set (see below).

Managed Sets

Managed sets are another layer on top of the managed clients. These sets are able to manage several connections where each is implemented as managed client. The connections can go to the same server endpoint in order to parallelize RPCs at the client side, or to several server endpoints that provide the same service. The latter can be used for client-driven load balancing, and for client-driven failover management of HA setups (HA = high availability).

For creating a managed set, the code looks like

      module M = Proto_clnt.Make'PROG(Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient)

      let esys =
      let mclient_config =
          ~programs:[ Proto_clnt.PROG.VERS._program ]
          () in
      let mset_config =
          () in
      let services =
        [| connector, n_connections; ... |] in
      let mset =
          esys in
      let mclient, idx =
        Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet.mset_pick mset in
      let result =
        M.VERS.procedure mclient argument

The managed clients are internally created by the set - one only should pass in mclient_config so the set knows what kind of client is preferred. For the simple application of maintaining several connections to the same server, one would create the mset with a one-element service array:

       let services =
          [| connector, n_connections |]

where connector describes the server port, and n_connections is the maximum number of connections to create and maintain. The Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet.mset_pick function creates internally up to n_connections managed clients, and returns one of them. By default, it is not guaranteed that the client is idle (meaning no previous call is pending) - if the connections are all already busy, mset_pick starts returning busy connections (but the least busy one first).

There are a number of options allowing to modify the default behavior:

  • One can enforce that only idle clients are returned by mset_pick. To do this, pass the argument ~mset_pending_calls_max:1 to Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet.create_mset_config. It can then happen that no client is idle, and mset_pick will raise Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet.Cluster_service_unavailable.
  • If the services array has more than one element, they are considered as equivalent service endpoints. mset_pick will pick one of the endpoints. There are two policies controlling the selection: With ~policy:`Balance_load it is aimed at sending roughly the same number of calls to all endpoints. With ~policy:`Failover the services are assigned precedences by the position in the array (i.e. the first service is used as long as possible, then the second service is used, etc.). The policy argument is again to be passed to Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet.create_mset_config.

Of course, managed sets must be shut down after use, because there is no other (automatic) way of recognizing that they are no longer used. Call Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet.shut_down for this.

Caching reliability data

The cache allows to disable certain hosts or ports when the error counter reaches a limit. The service is disabled for a limited time span. This is especially useful when there is an alternate port that can jump in for the failing one, i.e. when the services array of a managed set has two or more elements.

There is a single global cache object, but one can also create specific cache objects. Generally, cache objects can be shared by many managed clients and managed sets. The hope is that sharing is useful because more data can be made available to users of services. If you do not want to use the global cache object, you can create your own, and configure it in mclient_config.

The global cache object is automatically used when nothing else is specified. The global cache object is by default configured in a way so it does not have any effect, though. So we have to change this in order to enable the cache:

     let rcache_config =
        () in
     Rpc_proxy.ReliabilityCache.set_global_rcache_config rcache_config

This means that 3 errors in sequence disable a service port. `Independent means that each port is handled independently in this respect.

At the first time, the port is only disabled for one second. The duration of the time span is increased by each additional error until it reaches 64 seconds. These durations can be changed, of course.

As the impact of changing the global cache object is sometimes unpredictable, one can also create a private cache object (Rpc_proxy.ReliabilityCache.create_rcache). Another way is to derive a semi-private object from the global one. This means that the error counters are global, but the interpretation can be set individually in each use. This would look like:

    let rcache_config =
        () in
    let rcache =
        rcache_config in
    let mclient_config =

Idempotent calls

In the layer of managed sets there is some limited support for automatically repeating failing idempotent RPC calls.

Instead of calling the RPC with

      let mclient, idx =
        Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet.mset_pick mset in
      let result =
        M.VERS.procedure mclient argument

one uses

      let result =

The effet is that Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet.idempotent_sync_call repeats automatically the call when an error occurs. It is assumed that the call is idempotent so it can be repeated without changing the meaning.

The call may be repeated several times. This is configured in the managed set mset (parameter mset_idempotent_max).

Note that one has to pass the asynchronous version (suffix 'async) of the RPC wrapper even when doing a synchronous call.

Also see the documentation for Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet.idempotent_async_call.
