
module Feed

: sig

Parsing feeds



type feed_overrides = {
# last_checked
: float option;
# user_stability
: General.stability_level Support.Common.StringMap.t;
type feed_type =
# | Feed_import
# | User_registered
# | Site_packages
# | Distro_packages
type feed_import = {
# feed_src
: Feed_url.non_distro_feed;
# feed_os
: string option;
# feed_machine
: string option;
# feed_langs
: string list option;
# feed_type
: feed_type;
type feed = {
# url
: Feed_url.non_distro_feed;
# root
: [
| `feed
] Element.t
# name
: string;
# implementations
: 'a . ([>
| `cache_impl of Impl.cache_impl
| `local_impl of Support.Common.filepath
] as 'a) Impl.t Support.Common.StringMap.t
# imported_feeds
: feed_import list;
# replacement
: General.iface_uri option;
# package_implementations
: ([
| `package_impl
] Element.t * Impl.properties) list
val parse : Support.Common.system -> [
| `feed
] Element.t -> Support.Common.filepath option -> feed


val get_implementations : feed -> Impl.generic_implementation list
val load_feed_overrides : General.config -> [< ] -> feed_overrides
val save_feed_overrides : General.config -> [< ] -> feed_overrides -> unit
val update_last_checked_time : General.config -> [< ] -> unit
val get_summary : int Support.Locale.LangMap.t -> feed -> string option
val get_description : int Support.Locale.LangMap.t -> feed -> string option
val get_feed_targets : feed -> General.iface_uri list

The <feed-for> elements' interfaces

val make_user_import : [< ] -> feed_import
val get_category : feed -> string option
val needs_terminal : feed -> bool
val icons : feed -> [
| `icon
] Element.t list